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Join us on SlackHoverboards Do Exist, But Not In The Way You Imagine
Robert Washbourne - 4 years ago -
The dream of flight has plagued humankind since we can remember. Leonardo Da Vinci, famous inventor, says:
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
Now a real hoverboard has arrived: the Lexus Hoverboard. Yes, hoverboards really do exist! The Lexus Hoverboard has limitations, as it cannot fly anywhere other than places with special metal plating, and the Hoverboard has other issues, but hey, at least it hovers! Sadly, the board was never meant to be for consumers. The hoverboard is part of a campaign by Lexus, the car manufacturer. Yes, a car company is making hoverboards.